
Home » Sacraments » Baptism

Baptism, from the Greek word baptisma which means a “dipping” is the first of the three Sacraments of Initiation. It is the sacrament in which by water and the power of the Holy Spirit a person is cleansed of all sin, including original sin, and experiences birth into the new life of Christ.   

“Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit” –  Matthew 28:19

Baptism of Children ages 0 – 6

Do you have a new addition to the family? Congratulations. To begin the process of having a child baptized (age infant – 6 years of age) at St. Bernard parents should be registered members of St. Bernard and are required to attend a Parent Baptism Preparation Sessions prior to baptism being scheduled. The sessions are schedule on Saturday mornings approximately every other month. To inquire about having a child baptized and to be sent a list of upcoming sessions please complete the online Child Baptism Inquiry form found at the bottom of this page.

Prior to baptism parents will need to chose at least one Catholic Godparent. Two are the norm, but only one is required. If there are two it must be one male and one female. In lieu of the second Catholic godparent a baptized and believing Christian may serve as a “Christian Witness” for the baptism. Your Catholic Godparent must have a certification form completed by the Catholic Parish where they are registered and living out their Catholic faith. This form must be received prior to scheduling the Baptism.

Once parents have attended the preparation session and have all paperwork completed and returned, a date for the celebration of Baptism can be chosen. The Baptism of infants and young children is celebrated the first Sunday of each month at 10:00 am (a non-Mass celebration). Families are also welcome to choose to have their child baptized during one of our regular weekend Masses. The choice of a non-Mass or Mass can be arranged after attending the parent preparation session.   To find out more details about the celebration of this Sacrament please read  “Preparing your family and child for the Sacrament of Baptism.”

Feel free to contact the parish office, 239-5178 2203 with any questions.  We look forward to welcoming your family member to our Church family


Baptism of  Children ages 7 and older

Once a child reaches the age of 7 they are considered by the Catholic Church to be of the age of reason.  Canon 97.2 defines an “infant” as one who has not yet completed his seventh year of age. That’s because once a child reaches the age of seven, he is presumed to have the use of reason, and is then capable of personal responsibility for his actions

This means if you have a child aged 7 or older, they will be participating in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), adapted for children. It goes without saying that at the practical level, children are under the care and authority of their parents for many more years. But canonically,  a child over the age of seven falls into the same category as an adult.

For more information on getting started in the RCIA for children please contact Cyndi in the parish office.

Adult Baptism (16 and above)

Adults who desire to become fully initiated Catholics that are not baptized or who were baptized in another faith tradition and desire to be Catholic take part in the process known as RCIA. You can read much more about this process by clicking visiting our page for RCIA.

Child Baptism Inquiry

A full registration form will be given to parents to complete upon attending the preparation session.

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Mother's Name
Mother's Religion
Father's Name
Father's Religion
Are you registered parishioners of St. Bernard?
Parents requesting any sacrament for their family must be registered members of St. Bernard. Adult children living on their own must register separately from their own parents. If you have not been “active” at St. Bernard for several years, your registration may not longer be current and may need to be put back to active status. Please check “Not sure” to have our secretary check on your registration status.
Child One Name
Child Two Name
Child Three Name