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Stewardship is the action of being a steward. A steward is someone who has been given the responsibility to manage or care for property that rightfully belongs to another. Three things to remember about stewards: Frist, the steward is not the owner. Second, the steward is placed in a position of honor with great responsibility attached. Third, the steward acts to benefit the owner and those who depend on the owner for their well-being. In our case, God is the owner:

“The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it, the world and those who live in it…”

We are all stewards of what rightfully belongs to God. God has given each of us time (life itself), talent (skills and creative possibility), and treasure (possessions and wealth). We are simply stewards of all that God has given to us.

That means: If God is the source of the abilities that allow us to live a more than comfortable life, then there is no room left for anyone to imagine that they are the source of their good life. God is the source. God calls all of us to use what he has entrusted to us. Rather than taking credit for our wealth, our wealth ought to cause us to ponder why God has chosen to bless us.

In grateful response to these blessings, how do we live out our lives as stewards?

Seek to live a life of faithfulness and service. Use your talents to the best of what you can be and to the best of what you can do. Contribute generously and joyfully to the work of God through your St. Bernard faith community.